Happy Dragon Year From Atelier Kato Tokyo
Team Kato celebrates our 10th anniversary this year and the 10th anniversary of Atelier Kato – our home/art atelier/drawing school in the heart of Tokyo. Personally and professionally, we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for your continued support over the years.
Posts have certainly been fewer and further between since we became a team of four.
Happy to report that our new recruits (about to turn 2 and 4) are full of beans and running rings around Mummy and Daddy.
We’re weathering the whirlwind as best we can and it really does take a village!
Interview on Sorcha Chisholm’s Witch Way Spellcast podcast here
Although quiet on the SNS front, we’ve been continuing our work with art commissions (info on dragon paintings below), Divya’s completed her first full year as the Art Specialist (and working mama) at Phoenix House International School and welcoming students from all over the world to our When In Doubt, Draw drawing programme at Atelier Kato Tokyo.
More information on paintings and classes below.

2024 Dragon Paintings & Drawing Classes
Some of you know about my relationship with dragons – from 10m murals to body painting, musical collaborations to public space commissions, the dragons have helped fundraise and flown out of Japan to homes around the world.
Haven’t had an exhibition recently… but the dragons are flying out of the studio this year!
To view available artwork (will do my best to keep PDF updated, but please email to ask) click on the link below and to arrange a viewing email:
Link To Paintings

Portfolio Here

Drawing Classes 2024

There’s a waiting list for classes. To place your name on the waiting list or to gift classes for 2024, please email:
Enquiries: info@divyamariekato.com
Timelapse Mural Videos 2022 & 2023
I was thrilled be a part of Rugby School Japan’s Summer Programme 2022 and we hit the ground running with Phoenix House International School’s first mural too!

Based at their North Peak Enrichment Campus Hokkaido and alongside brilliant teachers visiting from Rugby School UK, we created as much as we possibly could.
The weeks were jam-packed with art, music, drama, sports and even a talent show. We infused as much art into our days as possible: sketching on the beach, creating artwork for a group exhibition, still life drawings of instruments – here’s one I made earlier!

The highlight for me was creating…
North Peak’s First Mural!
Enjoy the video! The start of more exciting things to come!
Phoenix House International School’s First Mural!
The Power Of The Mural
I’ve had the great pleasure of creating many collaborative murals and large-scale art pieces over the years – each supporting a different cause – and cannot recommend them enough for bringing together members of the community, bringing energy and inspiration to blank spaces and championing hope!
Read The Royal Drawing School Article: The Power Of The Mural Here
Art Classes At Atelier Kato Tokyo
Registration For Classes
If you’d like to reserve a place on our waiting list or gift drawing classes for someone special, please email info@divyamariekato.com in advance so we can book you in
Enquiries & Reservations: info@divyamariekato.com
First graders to graduates, returnees to retirees, drawing is for everyone and I believe everyone can!
Atelier Kato is proud to have welcomed students from all over the world, from many different backgrounds and professions and looks forward to welcoming you!
Whatever your age or level, come join our When In Doubt, Draw art foundation course!
Guiding you through pencil, ink, colour, portraits and more, come discover what drawing can do for you!
*** To register and for more information, please email: info@divyamariekato.com ***
Divya’s Art Foundation Course: Click For Video
Art For Hope
John Berger, Ways Of Seeing | Watch the 4 part BBC series here
The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight. – John Berger
One of my all time favourite art programmes and it’s about to turn 50!!
Head over to our Art For Hope page where you’ll find even more inspiring art stories
Art For Hope
Interview With Joy Walsh
Watch The Interview
English Classes
Kids Classes & Adult Conversation
The Big Draw Japan
*** Due to current events, we haven’t conducted a Big Draw Japan recently as we think the best part about it is getting together to draw in person! That said, we’re seeing what’s possible this year (when our newest arrival may be able to contribute a few scribbles too!) and will keep you posted! ***
Watch this space to join our award-winning, flagship event The Big Draw Japan Festival and be part of the world’s biggest drawing festival here in Japan!
Stay in touch!
Take care & stay well,
Divya, Masa, Ollie & Jojo Kato
Atelier Kato Tokyo
Divya Marie Kato, Atelier Kato Tokyo

Artist, Drawing Teacher, Creator, When In Doubt, Draw drawing programme, Founder, Atelier Kato Tokyo and The Big Draw Japan. Paris-born, Tokyo-based, British Indian artist and educator working in Japan since 2005.
Fellow of The Royal Society of Arts, Companion of The Guild of St. George and passionate advocate of drawing.
Drawing For Work, Life & Play
Drawing Classes, Atelier Kato Tokyo | INFO
The Big Draw Japan Drawing Festival | INFO
Divya’s Online Drawing School | INFO
Fundraising Paintings | INFO
Art For Hope Stories | INFO
Divya’s Portfolio | INFO
Services | INFO