Japanese ink. Gold powder. A van full of roses. 1.5 days. 6 metre canvas.
Me. Mr. Kato. Afrika Rose Flower Designer, Hide Tanaka. Our friend Maho and…
Welcome to the Main Stage Rose Terrace for Japan’s 19th International Rose & Gardening Show!
On until May 17th 2017. Details: English Click Here & Japanese Click Here

***Spring/Summer Booked***
Autumn Courses Begin September 2017
Tokyo American Club: Members can register via the TAC website
1-1 Classes (Flexi Schedule, Location Yoyogi) & Group Classes at Afrika Rose Hiro-o.
***Join us June 18th For Our Group Exhibition At Afrika Rose Hiro-o: See the work, meet the students, celebrate creativity!***
From “I want to draw again…” to “I’m more open minded, I want to draw more, I’m more creative and I enjoy life even more – I want to continue my art journey!”
“Dear Divya, thank you for teaching me about drawing! I’ve learned a lot from your workshop, “When in doubt, draw!” I had mixed feelings about drawing, but now I see the possibilities of creating a piece of art by looking at nature and persevering with my work. Spending Friday afternoons with you has enriched my life!” – Barbara
Registering Now: info@divyamariekato.com
RSA Japan
Since attending a few events last year, I made a decision to join RSA Japan this year – and a big thank you to RSA Japan Connector, Tania Coke, for encouraging me to come and find out more! Not only did I leave each meeting inspired and energised, but also hopeful and motivated to research the new things I’d learned. Creative ideas really do empower the world. Even the prospect of an interactive event about Brexit was welcomed as an opportunity to explore understanding – read the write up here. Our current series of events is called Going Beyond Ideas – for more about the RSA Japan Fellows Network Click Here
Happy Mama’s Day
Mama & I Sharing Our Story At Tokyo American Club – read the write up here
It was SO good having Mama here in Japan! But now we get on better than we ever have, it was tough to say goodbye! To all those that lift and love us, happy day to you today x
Birthday Workshop: Bring Art To The Party!

I have the great joy of staying in touch with friends big and small – and this was so much fun! People often ask who can join my classes: “Drawing for all!”
My classes and workshops are open to all ages, backgrounds and abilities. They can be tailored for your next team build or brought to your home for your next birthday celebration.
From children to adults, homes to offices, sketchbooks to walls, improving skills to art therapy, individuals to groups.
Best thing’s to email me with what you’re after –
Classes? Workshop? Team Build? Birthday Party? Commission? info@divyamariekato.com
My Interview With Helen Iwata Of Sasuga! Communications: How Your Expertise And Enthusiasm Can Lead To Miscommunication

I was thrilled to be interviewed by my friend and president of Sasuga! Communications, Helen Iwata! She’s the one I went to in order to prepare for my forthcoming presentation and the best part was that people noticed – the work pays off!
How Your Expertise And Enthusiasm Can Lead To Miscommunication
Drawing Classes & Workshops 2017
“My art teacher Divya taught me so much! My door of happiness opened thanks to her lesson. It’s more than just drawing. It’s magic!!! It’s totally worth experiencing this new world. So beautiful!”
– Megumi Hagiuda, Afrika Rose Tokyo
“It’s 2017 and I am back to draw!!! It’s been a while…anyone living in Tokyo wanting to take up a drawing class, Divya Marie Kato’s drawing class maybe the perfect choice!”
– Alicia Naruse, Paradiddle Lifestyle Tokyo
“Tuesday’s class was again very fun and eye-opening. It continuously gave me energy for the rest of week. It actually infected to people surrounding me because I laughed a lot. I think drawing provides healthily power to human!” – Akiko
全5回 5 Class Group Course:
SPRING COURSE 春レッスン: 4/4, 4/18, 5/9, 6/6, 6/13 ***FULLY BOOKED*** EXHIBITION PARTY: SUNDAY 6/18
AUTUMN COURSE 秋レッスン: 9/21, 9/26, 10/10, 10/24, 11/7 **REGISTRATION OPEN**
AUTUMN COURSE TOKYO AMERICAN CLUB: September 2017 Email to register. Places limited.
Email: info@divyamariekato.com to reserve your place.
As adults, we often lose sight of our creativity:
Always wanted to draw, but think you’re not good enough?
Did you draw before when you were a kid, but now you’ve left it behind?
Heard all these great things about creativity and drawing and how it helps you release stress, problem solve, spark ideas…but you don’t know where to start or it’s been a while?
Well, did you know that drawing’s the easiest way to get it back?

Through drawing, we can rediscover our creative selves and receive inspiration, empowerment, happiness, creativity and joy in the process. Drawing’s also frequently used in forms of art therapy, personal and professional development, for its cathartic, stress releasing and idea sparking properties.
Pick up a pencil. Start and see. I’ll show you how. Click Here For A Video On What You’ll Learn
Wanna dip your toe in? Click here
Wanna join us for classes or workshops? Head here
Can’t find what you’re after? Get in touch with me right here: info@divyamariekato.com
And…things just got even better! Want us to bring creativity to your home or office?
Divya’s now partnered with her husband, Masahiro Kato, to be able to deliver workshops bilingually. The British-Japanese husband and wife team are combining their shared experiences of creative living around the world, in order to being creativity to your home or workplace.
These are workshops with a difference and the experience will be an unforgettable one for your family or for your team. Creativity workshops click here

Keep in touch via email: info@divyamariekato.com or for latest news, follow us on Instagram: